lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Nowadays, the superciallity is very common. First impression is always the most important thing as it determines our opinion to other people. It is used by advertising; if a product is advertise by a beautiful woman, it is more attractive to the ones who may buy it.

Currently society is very influenced by our appearance. Actresses are very beautiful women and singers too. They usually have good physical appearance and everybody love them. So, these prototype made girls usually rethink about our weight, our hair, … our appearance.

For that reason many girls decided to lose weight. They might think that if they slim down, they will be more beautiful and they will also have success in their life. Some of them try to do it by going on diet. But most girls who are affected by society prejudice only see two options to have a better appearance in a quicker way. The first one is to eat as less as their bodies should take energy from their body. The other one is to eat as much as they can but then they use their fingers in order to make their body vomit the meal. Many teenagers are being affected by anorexia and bulimia in our country. These dangerous illness are nowadays affecting to many boys too. So, by time, we can see that these illness instead of being stop, they are being developed. They are affecting more or less to 10% of our population. But the problem of that illness is not only the overcoming of it, it is the damage that may be unrepairable in their bodies. Although overcoming from it is also very dangerous. Many teenagers cannot survive to such a hard process.

We might notice that many people, who are not actresses or have the best physical appearance, are also happy and have a good life. We must see them as a role model. There are no perfect weight or perfect physical appearances, there are instead beautiful women in each body.

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