martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Disadvantages of living on a small village

Although living in a small village has it advantages and I love it, it also has it disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that most days Internet doesn't work properly. For that reason, I have been working on a notebook and now I published all the task I have made during the year.

My hometown is a little village in Albacete. Its name is Cordovilla and there aren't more than 200 people living here. Most of that people overtake the 60s. Although it is a beautiful village, we have many ''lacks''. We don't have a properly Internet service and if we wanted some services we must go to other cities. But my hometown is also famous for something. We are the home of a special plant which is unique in Europe. We can only find in a few villages and Cordovilla is one of them.

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