martes, 20 de enero de 2015


Nowadays if we go out with a friend, we will always see teenagers doing drinking session. But, is it right or even funny? and, can it be dangerous for our health? Is it normal that teenagers neeed alcohol for having a good time?

Some teenagers don't know how to get fun  without drinking alcohol. That's why, they think alcohol helps with everything as it is a stimulating dring. They admit that alcohol prevents them from falling embarrassment, so they can get to know people without feel embarrassed or shy or even they can dance or say things that they wouldn't say if they weren't drunk. I can't remenber a single occasion in which my friend went out without drinking as they consider it the best way of having fun, even when it is not.

The first problem is that local shop usually sell alcoholic drinks without knowing if they have the age or not to buy it. Therefore, they should ask for the ID card before giving them alcohol. Every weekend we will see modern teenagers laden down with bags full of drinking to spend their spare time. But, they aren't sometimes keen on doing that. They do it because of the influence of the rest. They think that they won't be accepted if they don't do the same things as the rest do. As a consequence, they spend their free time doing stupid things instead of useful things. Drinking alcohol also change people's mood. Because of that, we can see that they both kiss each others as get angry so they will be in trouble if a terrible fight beings; they can also lose friends or hurt them or even tell them things they don't realliy think.

To sum up, I think we don't really need to drink alcohol to have a good time. I usually drink a single drink and I always have fun. The important thing here is to be with the correct people, the ones who make you happy without needing alcohol for this

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