My experience posting as a writer was good. I try to write on my notebook every moment I feel inspired. I usually go with my little notebook everywhere (my mum usually thinks that I am crazy and maybe she is right). I couldn't separate from that small piece of paper as I could be inspired in my grandmother's house or while I was speaking with my cousins and they gave me an issue about I can talk. I don't have enough time to publish every day or everyweek because I'm not very kind on technologies but I wanted to do on that way because, apart from learning how to write and some structures, I could also learn more about technology.
I have enjoyed it and I will keep on with my old little notebook because some important issues in which I can debate with myself.
martes, 20 de enero de 2015
I hope you enjoy it!
I really love reading Pablo Neruda and this cours I was trying to improve my English by reading his poems in English, and, one of them made me feel in love.
I am not jealous
of what came before me.
Come with a man
on your shoulders,
come with a hundred men in your hair,
come with a thousand men between your breasts and your feet,
come like a river
full of drowned men
which flows down to the wild sea,
to the eternal surf, to Time!
Bring them all
to where I am waiting for you;
we shall always be alone,
we shall always be you and I
alone on earth,
to start our life!
I am not jealous
of what came before me.
Come with a man
on your shoulders,
come with a hundred men in your hair,
come with a thousand men between your breasts and your feet,
come like a river
full of drowned men
which flows down to the wild sea,
to the eternal surf, to Time!
Bring them all
to where I am waiting for you;
we shall always be alone,
we shall always be you and I
alone on earth,
to start our life!
Disadvantages of living on a small village
Although living in a small village has it advantages and I love it, it also has it disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that most days Internet doesn't work properly. For that reason, I have been working on a notebook and now I published all the task I have made during the year.
My hometown is a little village in Albacete. Its name is Cordovilla and there aren't more than 200 people living here. Most of that people overtake the 60s. Although it is a beautiful village, we have many ''lacks''. We don't have a properly Internet service and if we wanted some services we must go to other cities. But my hometown is also famous for something. We are the home of a special plant which is unique in Europe. We can only find in a few villages and Cordovilla is one of them.
My hometown is a little village in Albacete. Its name is Cordovilla and there aren't more than 200 people living here. Most of that people overtake the 60s. Although it is a beautiful village, we have many ''lacks''. We don't have a properly Internet service and if we wanted some services we must go to other cities. But my hometown is also famous for something. We are the home of a special plant which is unique in Europe. We can only find in a few villages and Cordovilla is one of them.
How to help blind people?
The number of blind people is increasing every years and for that reason we should know how to make their lifes easier.
Many bodies such as ONCE try to help people blind around the world. They try to make them useful in lifes and for that reason, a job is giving to those people. But, moreover what these bodies do, how can we make their lifes easier? What do they have in order to manage themselves?
First of all, we should know that they are blind people, not deaf, and for that reason we shouldn't shout at them. We shouldn't use sign to speak with them as they can see us, so we only have to speak clearly in order they can understand us. We must avoid words such as look or see because they can be offended. If you are speaking in a group of people, you should tell his or her name in order to make it easier, ... But we should also take care of their security. We should keep the things in the same way as they remember because if not they can damage themselves.
It must be very hard being blind, and, for these reason we must help them.

First of all, we should know that they are blind people, not deaf, and for that reason we shouldn't shout at them. We shouldn't use sign to speak with them as they can see us, so we only have to speak clearly in order they can understand us. We must avoid words such as look or see because they can be offended. If you are speaking in a group of people, you should tell his or her name in order to make it easier, ... But we should also take care of their security. We should keep the things in the same way as they remember because if not they can damage themselves.
It must be very hard being blind, and, for these reason we must help them.
The use of that kind of techniques has more disadvantages than advantages and for that reason it must be avoid.
Fracking affects to all our country as it is the most common way of pollution in the places were it is made. It pollute a lot the whole water in the world (including the subterranean waters), but it not only affect to water. It also pollute the air as when this process is being made, greenhouse gases are expeled. There are also pollution in the ground, as many machine are needed to make this technique useful. Apart from Greenhouse gases, it also expel sewage water (as the water fracking reachs is transformed into waste). So, this process instead of helping our lives and improving them, it decline our lives as it affects to our planet, the place we life
My birthday party!
I have been thinking for weeks what I would do during my birthday, but, at the end, everybody have something to do. My friends have to study a lot, other friends which are studying in other cities told me that they couldn’t come…I was very sad and because of that, I decided to do nothing. On Saturday morning I get up early and I started doing my homework. Suddendly, my friend called me. She wanted me to help her with some homework the day of my birthday…I was very surprise but I couldn’t say no. When I was there, my friend’s mother offered me a cocacola to celebrate my birthday, but in this moment, my mother phoned me and she looked very angry. I was really really scare…so I got home as son as I could and my friend and her mother came with me. When I got home, there were anybody, everything was dark and suddendly happy birthday’s song started to be heard. I was very excited and then all my friends appeared screaming SURPRISE!. It was such a fantastic surprise that I started to cry and everyone there was laughting at me. They were the whole morning preparing things with my mother, they have blow up lots of ballons with pictures and their signature, they have decorated my home with lots of photos and tapes…It was fantastic! They were preparing this all week and I was so proud to have friends and a family like the ones I have. After my surprise, we spent all day at home. We were playing different games, we had a cake and everybody spoted my nose with cream, they are incredible! At night we went out with some friends and they had prepared me a gymkhana to get my presents…so I had to do lots of things (wore costumes, asked people things, …) in order to got the presents.
So, I could say it was the best birthday I have ever had
thesis statement
Mobile phone's importance is getting nowadays more and more people techno-adicted as Albert Einstein had predicted
Phone as a way to communicate (draft)
communicate with people who are abroad
a way of being in contact with people we don't see too much
a way of making plans
you can look for help with them (**If you are lose, you can call someone)
It made people communicate with no sense
teenagers get addicted to them
Albert Einstein predict that
communication is lost
we got shy as we don't speak with other people
It is fine the presence of mobile phones
we should use in a good way
Don't use it if we are with the people we want to talk
communicate with people who are abroad
a way of being in contact with people we don't see too much
a way of making plans
you can look for help with them (**If you are lose, you can call someone)
It made people communicate with no sense
teenagers get addicted to them
Albert Einstein predict that
communication is lost
we got shy as we don't speak with other people
It is fine the presence of mobile phones
we should use in a good way
Don't use it if we are with the people we want to talk
Nowadays, it is very common to speak about animals. But this is a very open topic, because we can talk about mistreatment, the neglect of homehold pet, the disappearance of some species or how zoos and natural enclosures can help in the face extinction of some species.
We knew that some species have already disappeared in their natural environment, as an example we can find the scimitar-horned Oryx which we can only find it on captivity. But this is not the only one, we may discover lot of species that have disappear and other ones which have almost disappear if we continues disturbing them and making thir lives more difficult, as snow leopard, tiger shark or polar bear. Some of these disappearances are caused by human being; with attention to white-rhino (that is hunted and killed because of his horns). But the other are cause because of the global warming and the rising sea levels (which is also our fault because we are causing their habitat destruction due to our lack of skill in order to protect our environment) above all the Bengal tiger. For that reason, although the best habitat for animals is their own kingdom, sometimes is fine the presence of natural enclosures where they can be looked after by professionals and lived a good life.
There (although being in captivity) familiar species and endangered species can be protected and conserved. Due to there are many reputable breeder that take care of them and support their necessities. They are also the responsible of giving them pain-relieving electrical devide in order to soothe the pain and checking if the animals eat fairly. We might see there also some animal behaviourists that have studied their behaviour and try to make the animals feel as if they were in their habitat. Therefore, we see personalized habitat in every zoo like a penguin pool.
To sum up, I think it is very important the labour that some natural enclousures do with that animals that may face exinction if we do nothing and not follow the conservation ideas that some expert proposed.
We knew that some species have already disappeared in their natural environment, as an example we can find the scimitar-horned Oryx which we can only find it on captivity. But this is not the only one, we may discover lot of species that have disappear and other ones which have almost disappear if we continues disturbing them and making thir lives more difficult, as snow leopard, tiger shark or polar bear. Some of these disappearances are caused by human being; with attention to white-rhino (that is hunted and killed because of his horns). But the other are cause because of the global warming and the rising sea levels (which is also our fault because we are causing their habitat destruction due to our lack of skill in order to protect our environment) above all the Bengal tiger. For that reason, although the best habitat for animals is their own kingdom, sometimes is fine the presence of natural enclosures where they can be looked after by professionals and lived a good life.
There (although being in captivity) familiar species and endangered species can be protected and conserved. Due to there are many reputable breeder that take care of them and support their necessities. They are also the responsible of giving them pain-relieving electrical devide in order to soothe the pain and checking if the animals eat fairly. We might see there also some animal behaviourists that have studied their behaviour and try to make the animals feel as if they were in their habitat. Therefore, we see personalized habitat in every zoo like a penguin pool.
To sum up, I think it is very important the labour that some natural enclousures do with that animals that may face exinction if we do nothing and not follow the conservation ideas that some expert proposed.
Last summer, we decided to go to Burgos as a school trip, so we can study the first human bones which can be found there, moreover the story of that men. As a result of this trip, we stayed near Burgo's church. If we weren't being there, we wouldn't have had such a funny trip. Suddenly, we saw many people running and some cameras following them. We were very suprised and we wondered to know why they were running. Therefore, we followed them. They were filming a TV programme whose name is Master Chef. We were watching what they were doing and we also help the people who were working there. For that reason, we were able to to meet every participant. We were waiting too much time and finally we could speak with Eva González. She is lovely and she was speaking with us too much time. She wanted to know why we were there and she was very funny. Finally we took a photo with her and she told us goodbye. It was a perfect trip and that was one of the best story of that trip
Should we really need medicine or not?
Sometimes, we strated to take medicine even when it is not necessary. That is known as placebo effect.But, how affect placebo to our lives? Is it real or not?
I will tell you my grandfather's example. He used to have some medicines to sleep well but the doctor didn't prescibe him more (because he doesn't need to take them). As he starte to complain, my mother bought some medicines without effect and gave them to him. Next day, we asked him how he had slept and he told that perfectly. As I have told, medicines are not always necessary.
So, we can see that placebo effect exists on some people, mostly on old people.
Sometimes, we strated to take medicine even when it is not necessary. That is known as placebo effect.But, how affect placebo to our lives? Is it real or not?
I will tell you my grandfather's example. He used to have some medicines to sleep well but the doctor didn't prescibe him more (because he doesn't need to take them). As he starte to complain, my mother bought some medicines without effect and gave them to him. Next day, we asked him how he had slept and he told that perfectly. As I have told, medicines are not always necessary.
So, we can see that placebo effect exists on some people, mostly on old people.
Dogs can be considered as a 21sr century entertainment as many families want to have one. But, why are dogs such a demanded pet? Because they are lovely. Moreover, they try to help you and they will always love and remember you. Apart from that, they can also make you happy as they are considered a member of the family (it is common amon g people who can' have children and love their pets as if they were their children). Most people couldn't lie without their dogs (me neither). But we should know that they're not only a funny thing. They are our lovely four-legged friends too that should be protected and loved. As I'm keen on these animals, I feel really bad when I see the neglect of homehold pets. But I also feel proud of some human beings. For example, many poor people (who live in the street) share their food with their pets and they never abandon them. As them, I think I couldn't live without my little dog and nowadays, as I am living in Murcia I miss her a lot. She used to wake me up in strange ways, but she always makes me get up with a smile in my face. She is happy to see me and I love it!
The presence oof alcohol in nowadays young people's parties is increasing. It is very common to see how teenagers drink too mmuch alcohol when they go out with friends, we can realise to that teenagers are beginning drinking earlier and earlier.
Well, first of all, we should know that alcohol is a drug (neither cocaine nor tobacco are different from it) and they are so dangerous.So, why shouldn't we be worried if our friends and young brothers and sisters are getting drunk everytime they go out with friends? I is seeing as a joke, but it is worse than this. It is tremendously hard to see how they are risnking their health for no reason (as the arguments given by people who drink can't be considered valid). They usually say that if the have alcohol, the night will be funnier or even that one or two drinks make them not be as shy as they used to be. But the biggest problem we canfind is that people can't control themselves while they are drinking and, for these reason, many accidents happen. When they are drunk, they are more violent and they are not as careful or quiet as they should be. They also drink too much alcohol and they may not remember what happened or what they did the last night (everything will be confusing for them). They feel really bad as they usually buy low-prizes drinks andthey have very big head and stomach ache.
To sum up, it isn't necessary to take such a dangerous drug in order to have fun, as we can be happy with friends or even be more confrotable without taking it. The problem is that no one thinks like that and, if we don't decrease the levels of alcohol in teenagers, we will complain about it in the future
Well, first of all, we should know that alcohol is a drug (neither cocaine nor tobacco are different from it) and they are so dangerous.So, why shouldn't we be worried if our friends and young brothers and sisters are getting drunk everytime they go out with friends? I is seeing as a joke, but it is worse than this. It is tremendously hard to see how they are risnking their health for no reason (as the arguments given by people who drink can't be considered valid). They usually say that if the have alcohol, the night will be funnier or even that one or two drinks make them not be as shy as they used to be. But the biggest problem we canfind is that people can't control themselves while they are drinking and, for these reason, many accidents happen. When they are drunk, they are more violent and they are not as careful or quiet as they should be. They also drink too much alcohol and they may not remember what happened or what they did the last night (everything will be confusing for them). They feel really bad as they usually buy low-prizes drinks andthey have very big head and stomach ache.
To sum up, it isn't necessary to take such a dangerous drug in order to have fun, as we can be happy with friends or even be more confrotable without taking it. The problem is that no one thinks like that and, if we don't decrease the levels of alcohol in teenagers, we will complain about it in the future
of the most controversial issue is if a person can decide to end his life or
not. And euthanasia is the way to do it. But must it be accepted? Or should we
deny that option? Well, euthanasia is defined as the right of people to end
their life by the OMS. But against it we can find that living is a right and as
an human right we should be able to decide if we want to end with it or not.
the one hand, the easier answer is very simple. Everyone is owner of their own
health and for that reason, everyone should be able to decide if they wanted to
end with their life or not. Many countries accepted it as a way of ending their
life if they are suffering from a very difficult and lethal illness. That
people must have the right to die if they want instead of suffering all the symptom
of that illness. There are other options, such as the families that have to
decide if they wanted to end with the life of someone when he or she needs a
machine to live. So, that is a way of euthanasia. And it must be considered as
the freedom of people in order to decide if they wanted to end their suffer or
By the other hand, many religious people
considered it as a sin. Many of them think that God give us a life and he is
the only one who can decided to end with it. The suicide is never a way of
ending with suffering and because of that reason, it isn’t consider ethic. Aristoteles
also supported these ideas while he said that the suicide cannot be allowed.
Moreover, the human life move us closer to God, as he see ourselves as Christ
while he suffered in the cross before die. So, when we suffer because of an
illness, we entrust our lives to God. The spirituality get stronger and that is
the point of religion. The believe in God.
I don’t know what I would do if I were in
that situation and I don’t want to think about it
Nowadays if we go out with a friend, we will always see teenagers doing drinking session. But, is it right or even funny? and, can it be dangerous for our health? Is it normal that teenagers neeed alcohol for having a good time?
Some teenagers don't know how to get fun without drinking alcohol. That's why, they think alcohol helps with everything as it is a stimulating dring. They admit that alcohol prevents them from falling embarrassment, so they can get to know people without feel embarrassed or shy or even they can dance or say things that they wouldn't say if they weren't drunk. I can't remenber a single occasion in which my friend went out without drinking as they consider it the best way of having fun, even when it is not.
The first problem is that local shop usually sell alcoholic drinks without knowing if they have the age or not to buy it. Therefore, they should ask for the ID card before giving them alcohol. Every weekend we will see modern teenagers laden down with bags full of drinking to spend their spare time. But, they aren't sometimes keen on doing that. They do it because of the influence of the rest. They think that they won't be accepted if they don't do the same things as the rest do. As a consequence, they spend their free time doing stupid things instead of useful things. Drinking alcohol also change people's mood. Because of that, we can see that they both kiss each others as get angry so they will be in trouble if a terrible fight beings; they can also lose friends or hurt them or even tell them things they don't realliy think.
To sum up, I think we don't really need to drink alcohol to have a good time. I usually drink a single drink and I always have fun. The important thing here is to be with the correct people, the ones who make you happy without needing alcohol for this

The first problem is that local shop usually sell alcoholic drinks without knowing if they have the age or not to buy it. Therefore, they should ask for the ID card before giving them alcohol. Every weekend we will see modern teenagers laden down with bags full of drinking to spend their spare time. But, they aren't sometimes keen on doing that. They do it because of the influence of the rest. They think that they won't be accepted if they don't do the same things as the rest do. As a consequence, they spend their free time doing stupid things instead of useful things. Drinking alcohol also change people's mood. Because of that, we can see that they both kiss each others as get angry so they will be in trouble if a terrible fight beings; they can also lose friends or hurt them or even tell them things they don't realliy think.
To sum up, I think we don't really need to drink alcohol to have a good time. I usually drink a single drink and I always have fun. The important thing here is to be with the correct people, the ones who make you happy without needing alcohol for this
I have always loved 'The king lion'. My father told me that I used to see that film always. He said that I saw it once but when it finished I rewinded it and put in again.
This story speaks about animals and I really like animals, and I will cry if I see this film again. It is one of my best childhood's memories.
This story speaks about animals and I really like animals, and I will cry if I see this film again. It is one of my best childhood's memories.
Sports can be described as a 21st century
hobby or way of life. That’s why people are getting more and more interested;
therefore they practice and see it while it’s possible. As well as playing
sport is beneficial, it can also be risk. I prefer seeing it as a beneficial

Another useful thing that sports allow us is
entertainment. For that reason sports are the thing which more people see. One
of the most popular competitions that it is watched by million people is the
Olympic Games. It consists on several competitions of different sports, like
ice hockey, river sledging, rugby, table tennis, ... One thing that is very
interesting of these competition is that every team or players put their best to participate, win and represent in a
good way their countries and that’s amazing. But the most popular sports in
Spain will always be football. It is also a very big industry in which people
win a lot of money with football pools. It also comprehends million and million
people, like the players, the referees, the trainers, ...
I used to be a sportsperson; I used to have a personal
trainer who makes me get a better physical fitness. He usually makes intensive
training session that let me exhausted and he also put me to the limit, but, to
be honest, I like it. At first it was awful. Moreover it was an ultimate
challenge. He enhanced my performance and that’s give me a buzz. Every day he
prepared a circuit training but I have also practiced athletics, judo, aerobic,
basketball, ... That was so useful for me, as I used to be the clumsiest person
in the world and it makes me don’t trip, keep healthy, run faster, ... As I
have said, I used to train hard but I have to give up with it because of my
duties. Although I had finished up, I look forward to keen on practising
To sum up, sports can always help our life and make it
easier and funny.
The lottery
If I sudden won in lottery, I would be in shock and I would try not to burst into tears. If I won the lottery, all my family would shout nervously and ask for a small-scale event. If I won it, I would be happy because it is a welcome sum, but I would also have a sense of guilty. That’s why if I won the jackpot prize I couldn’t resist wasting some money on cravings. But then I would put my mind. If I threw money around, I would try to make the right decision in order to not have a sense of guilty. I would make an attempt to refuse offers and save money. But that’s not all, I would spend money on trying to help poor people that cope with tight money due to they couldn’t eat or sleep properly and from my point of view, that’s very hard. If I made a fortune I would donate money to people who really need moreover, if I did that, I would try to remain anonymous, not only because of my own protection (as most people would like to steal you), also as I didn’t need to be known (this would be an altruistic action I needn’t any merit). But this would be very difficult. If someone became suspicious of you, everybody would know it. If I were the jackpot winner I would gain a new-found status, but I wouldn’t like it. If I win the jackpot. I wouldn’t turn upside down my life; I would continue as If I hadn’t won the lottery. I would also try to help animals associations, considering that they are doing a very good job helping animals which have been abandoned. I would give them money if they took care well of their animals.
Most people would squander money on stupid things. That’s why I think winning the lottery has more drawbacks than advantages. But, if I became seriously rich, I would help people who run out of their houses. I would also be pouring money in order to have some profits. I would help more people if that became real to me. I would be unable to let people losing their house, being hungry or not having enough money to feed their children and give them a decent ceiling as everyone deserves that. But, although that, it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t spend some money on me and my family, but personally speaking, I think we have a social responsibility and we should do the best of us in order to help other people who can live as well as us.
I have always love hamster but most people I know don't like them. I usually have many pets during my life but nowadays I can't have one because I have to share a flat with other girls. But I feel alone. For that reason, my boyfriend gave me a hamster as a present birthday. And, for that reason, Cochambres arrive at my life.
Cochambres is a little hamster. He is very beautiful, and his colours are striking. He is also lovely and running. He likes a lot eating apple from my hands and he cannot eat if I'm not with him. He usually runs a lot at home as I have bought a ball in which we can go without being lost. He usually bites his cage as he doesn't like it and I always tell off him in order to not doing it again. He always travels with me and he spends the week with me in Murcia. So, when I got home, he always makes little sounds as he is happy to see me and I love it!
Hamster are beautiful pets but most people dislike it as they look like rats. But, from my point of view, there are lots of different from hamster to rats. They are more loving and they don't bit their owners while rats do it. They can be pets as they know how to behave while rats are free animals. And I can say a lot of differents.
It is the best present I have ever given and I love his way of making me happy at the moment I see him.
Cochambres is a little hamster. He is very beautiful, and his colours are striking. He is also lovely and running. He likes a lot eating apple from my hands and he cannot eat if I'm not with him. He usually runs a lot at home as I have bought a ball in which we can go without being lost. He usually bites his cage as he doesn't like it and I always tell off him in order to not doing it again. He always travels with me and he spends the week with me in Murcia. So, when I got home, he always makes little sounds as he is happy to see me and I love it!
Hamster are beautiful pets but most people dislike it as they look like rats. But, from my point of view, there are lots of different from hamster to rats. They are more loving and they don't bit their owners while rats do it. They can be pets as they know how to behave while rats are free animals. And I can say a lot of differents.
It is the best present I have ever given and I love his way of making me happy at the moment I see him.
Fear by Raymond Carver
Fear of falling asleep at night
Fear of not falling asleep
Fear of not being love
Fear of being alone
Fear of being unhappy
Fear of not having your arms around me
Fear of losing you
Fear of living
Fear of death
Fear of everything
Fear of not falling asleep
Fear of not being love
Fear of being alone
Fear of being unhappy
Fear of not having your arms around me
Fear of losing you
Fear of living
Fear of death
Fear of everything
lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

We might notice that many people, who are not actresses or have the best physical appearance, are also happy and have a good life. We must see them as a role model. There are no perfect weight or perfect physical appearances, there are instead beautiful women in each body.
viernes, 2 de enero de 2015
Everyday in our lifes, we ask ourselves what beauty is. Sometimes people would give us empty and ridiculous answers. They would talk about material things, they would base their opinions on beauty standars or how much something costs. No one would realise what the most important thing really is.
We would never find the perfection in ourselves, as human being is imperfect. So, beauty cannot be based on the beauty of a girl or a boy or even on the things we bough. If we notice every little thing that we missed, we will discover how amazing could be things that look like insignificant at the beginning. We can find beauty on human being. But beauty is not his appearance, it is something more sophisticated. It is the smile of someone you love, the movement of his hands, the way he closes his eyes, the way he holds my hands, interlace your fingers with someone else, ...
But beauty is not only love, it can also be found on the little things of our life. We can find it on a baby's smile, a flower's smell, wet land's smell, the love your pets gives and also the happiness they give to you, a big hug during a cold day, reading, listenning to your grandfathers' stories, seeing the star during a summer night, seeing a sunrise, sleeping listenning the rain, the rustle of the leaves while they are being crushed, ... Beauty is also nature. It is the birds' sing, the rivers' sound, the freedom, the peace, the water way, the grass brushed against your skin, the sound of your heart beating, ...
To sum up, we should remind that beauty is not a expensive car or a good-looking women or men. Beauty is everything you love and makes you happy. The most beauty thing for me is the rain, and not only the rain; run, dance, smile, cry and kiss under the rain.

To sum up, we should remind that beauty is not a expensive car or a good-looking women or men. Beauty is everything you love and makes you happy. The most beauty thing for me is the rain, and not only the rain; run, dance, smile, cry and kiss under the rain.
As we have already know, nowadays we couldn’t live without technology,
but, although it can help us and it one of the best human’s discovers, are we
getting techno-addicted? Should it be stopped?

To sum up, I think technologies and social networks are so important and
useful in our lives if we know how to use them and even if we use them with
moderation. So, using them in a good way we can change the world, but we should
avoid being so addicted to them as we wouldn’t see the beautiful things the
life can show us.
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